Friday, October 7, 2011

Table/Pencil Sharpening

Each table in my room is labeled with a number. I do this so that I can call
tables by numbers to get out their journals, supplies and clean-up.

This is on my desk, it is a tackle box labeled with numbers. These numbers are the same number of tables I have. Inside the box is a pencil sharpener and eraser for each number/table. I have also placed cups next to the pencil sharpener box, the students grab a cup along with their pencil sharpener and it then becomes their mini trash can. They are responsible for making sure it gets put back at the end of their class time.

1st Day Setup

At the beginning of each quarter I have my kids fill out this Student Information/Behavior Contract. I then keep them in a binder where I have them organized according to grade and day. If I have any behavior issues; I document it on the right hand side of this sheet. I also attach apologies, emails and referrals to this sheet. It works great when documentation is needed on a student.

When a student enters my room on the first few days I do not have a seating chart for them so I give them a card with an art image on it. They then go match that image to one on the table and that is where they sit. This allows me to see what students can sit next to each other and allows me to try some new seating combinations before finalizing a seating chart. This year I have gone with Keith Haring pictures because it goes with my classroom theme.

Each student gets one pencil from me. I label the pencil with a number. The number that I put on each pencil goes to a tote tray that is also numbered. I have three cupboards with tote trays. There are 171 trays total. I label the pencils so that they know what tray they have and also if they forget to put it away I can see that it gets back in there.

Room Set Up

I have a bulletin board at the front of the room where I keep my standards for each grade along with the objectives for each lesson. I put the objectives in a clear sheet that I keep in a three ring binder. When I change the lesson I can just switch up the objectives.

Here are some other pictures of how my art room is set up. I have taken a photo from each corner of my room. You will notice at the back of the room I have an office/storage room where my cutting board is along with another door by the cupboards; this is the kiln room.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

My Themed Room 2011-2012

I am a middle school teacher at an inner city
school. This is my 8th year of teaching art, and I still find my self learning. My students say that I am very organized, however, I have found that being an organized teacher creates less chaos. Every new school year I try to create a new theme to my classroom where I incorporate a word walls also in that theme. This year I have chosen the artist Keith Haring. I like his simple figures and they were easy to integrate into my room. In this picture I have my sink area along with my word wall. I have added my vocabulary words to Haring figures.

In this photo you can see my comp
uter area where my student research, upload to their student portfolios (thank you Mac
computers and Photobooth), my bookshelf and a giant bulletin board where I have added Haring figures and frames to put student artwork. My
chairs at the computer were a project I did with my 5th graders 3 years ago based off of the artist Christo.

In this photo I have placed a quote of Keith Haring's on one of my bulletin boards along with a few of the figures I had left over from my word wall.

This is a picture of another bulletin board where I have taken a Keith Haring sculpture picture and broke it down into vocabulary words to help my students better understand some of the words and what they mean. Then again I used a few leftover word wall figures to add to the bottom.